Friday, November 21, 2008

There is Joy :)

Once again the big smile of my love David reappears.If you don`t really know about David, you would say that he is funny, easy going and so on. But if you look deep inside, here we go we see an ambitious guy(for good thing though. He plans to get a big (I mean a giant size one)TV. He wants also something else Decent to play the blue ray movie such as PlayStation3. Oh baby, he got it now. We got Philips 42 and PlayStation 3 at Sam`s club. He is happy. And he has his big smile(I have never seen that before).He thinks that it is not fair that Pagna got lot of toys and he doesn`t.
Happy Graduation Borng David.Enjoy your Toy.

Yesterday, we (me and Pagna) went to WIC and I weighted Pagna. Any guess? 22 pounds and 30 Inches. No wonder why my wrists are always hurt. He tried to push a car and walk. I block him from going to the bed room and bathroom by putting up (look at the picture) and assure that he could not crawl under that. But he is so smart. Instead of crawling on his knee, he goes on his tommy or he knocks his head down and go.


leah said...

What's up with the big screen after we left? JK!! Congrats on your expensive graduation present!

I used to tip kitchen chairs over... as a gate. Usually, they were too heavy to move for the kids. He's so strong though.... he'd probably figure out a way to get past!!

Marel and Tom Stock! said...

I'm glad you found our blog. We couldn't get the dried fish through customs, so that package didn't make it back here. But the one with the clothes was given to Tom's parents (Ted and Sue Stock email: with your in-laws' address in Olympia. My guess is that they've already mailed it there. Hope that's alright. That's what your mom said to do.

Marel and Tom Stock! said...

We repackaged it and we knew your last name was Eckles, but we thought it was "Eccles" - so I think they addressed it to "the Eccles" - it should get to them just fine. Don't wrry about the money. They have it covered. Save up so you can go see your mom soon! :)