Friday, December 3, 2010

Cambodia vacation is almost over

We have not abandoned our blog yet but we (I meant me because I am the one who blogs) have been very busy.We have been here in Cambodia for almost six months. There are a lot of things going on. Pagna is a grown up toddler and speak a lot but unfortunately not so much Cambodian. Davis got a teaching job just to keep survive from boredom.I am very busy but learning and enjoying my practicum.
We are excited to move though.

Pagna came with nice long hair

Pagna is going with an asian look haircut

Pagna came as a diapy baby

He is now a potty trained

1 comment:

Marel and Tom Stock! said...

So great you got to see family for so long! Tell them hi from us. We love them and hope to visit soon. But not sure how soon "soon" is with two kids!